INFRARED IMAGING Infrared Imaging is one of the tools we use, and is only a small part of a full inspection.
Below are a examples of air leakage, lack of insulation and improper seals detected with the infrared imaging camera.
The infrared imaging test detected that the window to your left has damaged weather stripping, which will not seal properly.
Most soffits in a home appear as a 'hole' when viewed from the attic. Blown in insulation will not cover the vertical surfaces of the drywall as shown by the infrared imaging test.
During the blower door test, the infrared camera detected that the ceiling fan on the left has a stuck flapper valve, allowing air to rush in backwards, while the light fixture on the right is improperly sealed around its perimeter.
The room in the photo on the left was recently remodeled. During the infrared imaging, an uninsulated wall cavity was detected.
STUMPTAIL HOME ENERGY | Downers Grove, IL 60515 | 630.765.2966